Here’s what he had to say.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott slammed President Joe Biden’s catch and release policy dealing with illegal immigrants. Abbott stated that Texas plans to catch and jail any illegal immigrants.

The Texas governor expressed his concerns with Biden’s policy stating that he is “opening the floodgates” for unvaccinated countries.

“[W]hat Texas is doing — we’re not playing games anymore,” Abbott advised. “I deployed The National Guard, as well as the Texas Department of Public Safety, and we have a new program in place because the Biden administration plan is to catch and release. The Texas plan is to catch and to jail. So, we are arresting and jailing. The program has already begun. It took a few weeks to set up because we actually had to set up an entire new booking system. We had to get judges involved in the process, magistrates. … We had to open up a former prison that has now 1,000 jail beds that we’re starting to fill up. We are arresting people every single day, and we’re arresting fortress pass. When you come across the river, you’re typically coming into private property or county property or state property. You are trespassing.”

“And because I declared it an emergency, the punishment for the crime has been doubled, so … that can put them in jail for half a year or a year,” he added.

Image credit: Houston Chronicle